Wednesday 23 May 2007

Anyone Remember this??

Tom was watching cbeebies, and Floella Benjamin was reading a story, which got me thinking about Playschool, so had a look on youtube, and in the sideline it had clips for the Flumps!!
I used to love this, but remember it being much more sleeker than this LOL

Tuesday 22 May 2007

Tom the Artist!!

Tom drew this picture at school today, they were learning about shadows, and the picture is the sun shining on the tree, and the tree's shadow - but I guess you can tell that ;o)

Chloe and Maisie bought him a few bits back from their holiday in Portugal, and amongst the bits and bobs was this huuuuuge pencil which he insisted on using to do his 'working'!

Saturday 19 May 2007

Released 4 more books today!

I've just been into town and met up with a few other bookcrossers, and whilst there I released a few more 'lady' books for this months challenge!

My favourite one though, not one of mine was a book with 'wife' in the title, we were pondering where to leave it, then someone noticed what we were stood next too......
It made me giggle!

Thursday 17 May 2007

Bargain Hunt!

We bought a few bits for Thomas today!!

In Tescos we got him a hooded towel thing (£5), a kagoul (£5), a pair of denim shorts (£4) - they are size 18-24 months, but the 4-5 year size looked massive and he's only got little legs! We then went to Sports Soccer (think that's what it's called?), and got him a pair of Reebok trainers which were reduced to £5, and some ski books that were £3.99. I know there's not much call for snow boots in May (usually???), but they are a few sizes too big and should fit him next winter!

Wednesday 16 May 2007

New Toy!

Today I got an mp3 player in readiness for my holidays!! I've never had one before and I'm very impressed with this one - it's a Samsung one and has built in speakers which slide out if you need them (it's still very small), the speakers actually go quite loud and sound great too!

So far I've only added my new Michael Buble CD to it but will add others as I'm not sure where to get them from on the web!
Looking forward to my day off tomorrow!

Monday 14 May 2007

Still off school!

Thomas woke up last night wanting to be sick again, but this morning he seems a little better but with a cold! I've given him medised hoping it dries it up so he might be able to go to school tomorrow!!

I just wish he'd eat as I'm sure he'd feel better!

I had a lovely surprise today, Camis (another bookcrosser) sent me a RABCK (for non-Bookcrossers, this means ' Random Act of Bookcrossing Kindness'), and it's The Kalahari Typing School for Men . I've read the first 3 in this series, so look forward to reading this.

Saturday 12 May 2007

How lovely is this?

Whilst looking on for Michael Buble, I found this video that a guy had made for his girlfriend to 'Everything' which is on Michael Bubles new album (I think it's my fav song on there).
I just couldn't imagine Mark ever doing anything like this for me!

Friday 11 May 2007

Still Ill

Another bad night with Thomas! He seemed ok around 5pm and was requesting noodles for his dinner - anyway, the noodles reappeared at 9pm and all went downhill from there!

Today he's very very whiny, and probably very tired.
Lisa (if you're reading), wonder if this is why he was such a grump on Monday when you came over???

Hope the weather improves for the weekend!

Thursday 10 May 2007

Off School

Tom was awake most of the night (probably because he slept so much yesterday), and still has his temperature - haven't took it as I'm not really sure what your temperature should be LOL! - anyway, he's hot!! He seems a bit better, but isn't a very good patient as he's very whinny grrrr.

I had to go in to work for 2 hours this morning (on my day off!!), to make up for leaving early yesterday. I hope he can stay awake today so we have a better night!

Wednesday 9 May 2007

Domestic Goddess!

Yesterday for dinner, I made a Cottage Pie (admittedly the sauce was a Homepride jar) served with carrots and green beans, followed by Apple Crumble (crumbe recipe from Grandma) with custard.......

(these are uncooked on the piccie).

Thomas had a bad nights sleep last night and woke several times - this morning he said he didn't feel well, but I sent him to school as he kept mentioning that his friend Rory went home from school yesterday as he was poorly - anyway, got a phone call from his school whilst at work and had to pick him up at 11.30 grrrr.

He's now dosed up with Medised and asleep on the sofa!

Monday 7 May 2007

Rain, Rain, go away!!

It's a horrible yukky wet day today!! We have friends over today and it's a shame it's not nice so the boys can't play outside!

I do a themed book release challenge every month on BCUKextra (which is a forum for UK bookcrossers where we do challenges, and bookswaps!), and the theme for May is 'Women' - could be Lady, Miss, she, Her, mother etc.. I have a few books, but am struggling for release locations! I have only managed to release one book so far, and that was in the 'ladies' at Gullivers World!

I have a great book, with mummy in the title and can't think of anywhere to release it grrrrrr

Saturday 5 May 2007


Today we had a great day out at Gullivers in Milton Keynes, it's a theme park for younger children, we took Tom (5) and he loved it!! He was so excited that he reached the 110cm mark and he could go on 'all' the rides!

He seemed to love the Log Flume (he went on 4 times with hubby Mark - I just went on the once and got soaked!!)

.... and a roller coaster called 'Python'
You can just make out Tom and Mark to the right of the post on the Left
Me and Tom 'monkeying around'
Popped into the huge Tescos in MK on the way home (but didn't see any clothes I fancied for my hols), then had a lovely BBQ tea!

Friday 4 May 2007

Lots of Shopping Lists!

I've just found this 'interesting??' site which has thousands of shopping lists that have been discarded and found - and then posted on t'internet!

see here! You need to scroll down to just underneath the three boxes saying 'free' and you can view all the shopping lists!! Hmmm what a strange thing to collect!

Hey!! 2nd Posting!

Well I'm impressed with myself that I remembered to 'update my blog'!!!

The Bodyshop party went well, quite a few friends turned up, but we didn't manage to spend enough so I got any freebies - the stuff is quite expensive though.

I bought myself some Vitamin E cleanser and toner, and also a 'foundation brush' I've never heard of one of these, but you put your normal foundation on using this quite stiff brush rather than your fingers! A couple of friends already have/use them, so I'll give it a go and update how it went (bits don't get delivered until the end of next week!).

I don't need to work now until Tuesday due to Bank holiday monday, hope the weather is nice as I don't have anything planned. All Thomas (5 year old son) wants to do is 'play his playstation' - boring!!!!!!!

Thursday 3 May 2007

1st Post!!!!


I think this is my 3rd attempt at having a 'blog'!! I never know what to right, so I'll try and promise to update regularly this time LOL!!

I'm really looking forward to my holiday, which is on 14th of June, and we are going on a 2 week cruise on Ocean Village! We've sailed on this ship twice before, so know what we are expecting.

Here's the ship!

I've even been looking for Ocean Village on youtube, and have been watching lots of cheesy home videos that people have posted!

I'm having a Bodyshop at Home party tonight, so will post and update how it went!